@prefix : . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . a :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :Exhibition, :PointOfInterest, schema:Event, schema:ExhibitionEvent ; rdfs:comment "As every year, the Bourges Museum is pleased to present the prestigious \"Wildlife Photographer of the Year\" exhibition organised by the Natural History Museum in London."@en, "Comme chaque année, le muséum de Bourges a le plaisir de vous présenter la prestigieuse exposition \"Wildlife Photographer of the Year\" organisée par le Natural History Museum de Londres."@fr, "Wie jedes Jahr freut sich das Museum von Bourges, Ihnen die prestigeträchtige Ausstellung \"Wildlife Photographer of the Year\" zu präsentieren, die vom Natural History Museum in London organisiert wird."@de, "Como cada año, el Museo de Bourges se complace en presentar la prestigiosa exposición \"Wildlife Photographer of the Year\", organizada por el Museo de Historia Natural de Londres."@es, "Come ogni anno, il Museo di Bourges è lieto di presentare la prestigiosa mostra \"Wildlife Photographer of the Year\", organizzata dal Natural History Museum di Londra."@it, "Zoals elk jaar presenteert het museum van Bourges met genoegen de prestigieuze tentoonstelling \"Wildlife Photographer of the Year\", georganiseerd door het Natural History Museum in Londen."@nl ; rdfs:label "Wildlife photographer of the year / Photographes de nature"@fr ; dc:identifier "FMACENBERV502XK1" .