@prefix owl: . @prefix data: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . owl:topObjectProperty data:61e83c0f-9873-3406-8c86-3666b93608ad ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:bba35b4d-022c-3fa7-90a3-07eba818e3a5 ; :hasContact data:00443694-fecc-3a20-8eb0-4677d317f7b4 ; :hasDescription data:61e83c0f-9873-3406-8c86-3666b93608ad ; :hasTheme kb:Karting ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:7dee8712-2fb8-3f17-8f4d-c1736e8fb681, data:25840bf2-94e0-3db3-93b2-20ea3f5dd687, data:99f0cf53-4a08-3012-8ca0-d35e097369ba, data:d356fd1a-ef71-349d-985b-9c60218ab1c7 ; :isLocatedAt data:e83ec4e0-9df9-3751-8fa7-94bcfef66590 ; :lastUpdate "2024-06-14"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-06-14T23:49:32.96Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; meta:fingerprint "f72de4d236ba2171335638eeec52eced" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "576"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "15"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "74769d6e359f2aabbeca2a82098588a3" ; :creationDate "2016-02-22"^^xsd:date ; a :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :SportsAndLeisurePlace ; rdfs:comment "Colombiers circuit was created in 1960, under the leadership of motor sport enthusiasts, such as Amaury Duvauchel or André Tagot."@en, "La piste de Colombiers fut créée en 1960, sous l’impulsion de passionnés de sport automobile, comme Amaury Duvauchel ou André Tagot."@fr, "Die Rennstrecke von Colombiers wurde 1960 auf Betreiben von Motorsportbegeisterten wie Amaury Duvauchel oder André Tagot angelegt."@de, "Het circuit van Colombiers werd aangelegd in 1960, onder impuls van autosportliefhebbers als Amaury Duvauchel en André Tagot."@nl, "La pista de Colombiers se creó en 1960, bajo el impulso de entusiastas del deporte del motor como Amaury Duvauchel y André Tagot."@es, "La pista di Colombiers è stata creata nel 1960, sotto la spinta di appassionati di sport motoristici come Amaury Duvauchel e André Tagot."@it ; rdfs:label "Internationale Kartbahn Saint-Amand - Colombiers"@de, "International circuit of Saint-Amand - Colombiers"@en, "Karting - Circuit international de Saint-Amand - Colombiers"@fr, "Karting - Circuit international de Saint-Amand - Colombiers"@nl ; dc:identifier "ASCCENBERV5008UR" .