@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:767308ab-718f-369c-8610-5fc4d2077463 ; owl:topObjectProperty data:a5ed6d50-655e-332d-84df-7f4d13ff07ca ; :availableLanguage "fr" ; :hasAudience kb:National, kb:Regional ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:bba35b4d-022c-3fa7-90a3-07eba818e3a5 ; :hasContact data:991ddd0d-9689-3e7e-8d94-52d5a2117726 ; :hasDescription data:a5ed6d50-655e-332d-84df-7f4d13ff07ca ; :hasMainRepresentation data:7da6346d-aa5b-3d8a-8e4d-8f53ce7ce53e ; :hasRepresentation data:68ad60c9-ab3c-3aa8-89ce-7cf2b96e94ad, data:7da6346d-aa5b-3d8a-8e4d-8f53ce7ce53e, data:9cd4ce83-96e8-39ef-8896-f15d83497f30, data:bae06d06-0158-36f7-a890-a1eb1c8e5a66, data:bcde905f-7ffc-382c-9a8a-965978f2849b, data:d8895b07-6d83-381b-b3b3-c753d4c51075 ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:1f61a079-d5cf-3026-9694-078da875c7b8 ; :isLocatedAt data:540a715f-274b-3cde-b388-71ffdbecf967 ; :lastUpdate "2024-05-10"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-05-14T01:18:17.671Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:767308ab-718f-369c-8610-5fc4d2077463 ; :reducedMobilityAccess true ; :takesPlaceAt data:23d73f48-cbcb-3123-820f-2ad342aaa661 ; meta:fingerprint "115d363ac0798b86796fe1f29ccc0ce0" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "267"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "15"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "e27a3b8c894b4cebd2fc3845ceda3f28" ; :creationDate "2013-05-07"^^xsd:date ; :hasGeographicReach kb:National, kb:Regional ; schema:endDate "2024-09-08"^^xsd:date ; schema:startDate "2024-09-07"^^xsd:date ; a :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :Exhibition, :PointOfInterest, :Festival, schema:Event, schema:ExhibitionEvent, schema:Festival ; rdfs:comment "Tout, vous saurez tout sur la tomate lors du 25ème Festival de la Tomate et des Saveurs au Château de la Bourdaisière !"@fr, "Alles, alles über die Tomate erfahren Sie beim 25. Festival de la Tomate et des Saveurs im Château de la Bourdaisière!"@de, "Alles, u komt alles te weten over tomaten tijdens het 25e Festival van de Tomaten en de Smaken in het Château de la Bourdaisière!"@nl, "¡Todo, lo sabrá todo sobre los tomates en el 25º Festival del Tomate y los Sabores en el Château de la Bourdaisière!"@es, "Tutto, ma proprio tutto sui pomodori al 25° Festival del Pomodoro e dei Sapori al Château de la Bourdaisière!"@it, "For this new edition of the Festival of Tomato and its savours, fifty or so exhibitors will be present, all associated around the tomato, offering an impressive range of seeds, delicious plants, culinary aids, beauty products or products for well-being, decorative objects …"@en ; rdfs:label "Festival of tomato and flavours"@en, "Festival de la Tomate et des Saveurs"@fr ; dc:identifier "FMACEN037FS007P6" .