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Jeu pour toute la famille à partir de 10 ans.", "@language": "fr" }, { "@value": "A life-size escape game to play with family or friends in teams of 2 to 6 particpants. 3 amusing scenarios to get your grey matter working. For the whole family, age 10 and up.", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "Gioco di evasione a grandezza naturale da fare con la famiglia o gli amici in squadre da 2 a 6 persone. 3 scenari proposti per allenare il cervello divertendosi. Gioco per tutta la famiglia dai 10 anni in su.", "@language": "it" }, { "@value": "Een levensgroot ontsnappingsspel om met familie of vrienden te spelen in teams van 2 tot 6 personen. 3 scenario's om je hersenen te laten werken terwijl je plezier hebt. Spel voor de hele familie vanaf 10 jaar.", "@language": "nl" }, { "@value": "Un juego de escape a tamaño real para jugar en familia o con amigos en equipos de 2 a 6 personas. 3 escenarios para hacer trabajar tu cerebro mientras te diviertes. Juego para toda la familia a partir de 10 años.", "@language": "es" }, { "@value": "Ob mit der Familie oder mit Freunden: Dieses lebensnahe Escape Game verspricht Spaß für Teams mit zwei bis sechs Personen. Es stehen drei unterhaltsame Szenarien zur Auswahl, bei denen die grauen Zellen angestrengt werden müssen. Spiel für die ganze Familie, ab 10 Jahren.", "@language": "de" } ], "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label": [ { "@value": "Total Xscape", "@language": "fr" }, { "@value": "Total Xscape", "@language": "de" }, { "@value": "Total Xscape", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "Total Xscape", "@language": "es" }, { "@value": "Total Xscape", "@language": "it" }, { "@value": "Total Xscape", "@language": "nl" }, { "@value": "Total Xscape", "@language": "ru" }, { "@value": "Total Xscape", "@language": "zh" } ], "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier": [ { "@value": "4905956" } ] }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/3ae5563f-8f1b-329b-b6e5-7e7448c58c09" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/8a9feb4b-2cbd-3d2c-b507-bd6c6776b23b" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/8c677b5c-9b72-35cc-96be-dfe7f3dbf198" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/988eaca7-e111-3f04-85d6-edad5da94427" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/db287770-bf18-3663-b1ba-da640c72d3d0" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/e7cab481-2770-3824-8e6d-1f4de866be14" }, { "@id": "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#PlaceOfInterest" }, { "@id": "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#PointOfInterest" }, { "@id": "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#SportsAndLeisurePlace" }, { "@id": "https://www.datatourisme.fr/resource/core#EscapeGame" } ]