@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:6ea45646-d5d5-3f38-8621-47059b6a1d48 ; owl:topObjectProperty data:75de09db-d3fe-3d47-a500-f58397dbbff6 ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:8a9feb4b-2cbd-3d2c-b507-bd6c6776b23b ; :hasContact data:5418c59a-5c75-3bc2-8df2-33286e6b0ac6 ; :hasDescription data:75de09db-d3fe-3d47-a500-f58397dbbff6 ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:d93c62dd-78a0-3091-8ebd-73fc7a4f9bc4, data:04d4a881-73fa-3703-8f0a-4d790fc422f5, data:b0b215c7-183e-3f58-9c8c-fa59669e3b9a, data:01e5c80e-2e82-36fc-8a24-2efdb36318e9 ; :isLocatedAt data:4d350088-a9c9-3776-a2a2-d3d3abb68814 ; :lastUpdate "2024-06-18"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-06-19T05:57:18.654Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:6ea45646-d5d5-3f38-8621-47059b6a1d48 ; meta:fingerprint "e4db9bd038194986fb35358fac16f387" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "392"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "13"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "893ffa9f1124ae77b1309dd58be9b292" ; :isOwnedBy data:1116a96a-f1ea-3679-a692-a66b41a36d28 ; a :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :TastingProvider, schema:LocalBusiness ; rdfs:comment "Organic vegetable baskets from 10 € to 20€ for sale on Tuesday from 4p.m. to 5.30p.m. and on Friday from 3p.m. to 5.30p.m."@en, """Paniers de légumes Bio de 10€ à 20€. Achat direct les mardis de 16h à 17h30 et les vendredis de 15h à 17h30."""@fr, """Cesti di verdure biologiche da 10 a 20? Acquisto diretto il martedì dalle 16:00 alle 17:30 e il venerdì dalle 15:00 alle 17:30."""@it, """Cestas de verduras ecológicas de 10? a 20? Compra directa los martes de 16:00 a 17:30 y los viernes de 15:00 a 17:30."""@es, """Biologische groentemanden van 10? tot 20? Directe aankoop op dinsdag van 16.00 tot 17.30 uur en vrijdag van 15.00 tot 17.30 uur."""@nl, """Bio-Gemüsekörbe von 10? bis 20? Direktkauf dienstags von 16 bis 17.30 Uhr und freitags von 15 bis 17.30 Uhr."""@de ; rdfs:label "LES JARDINS DU LAC"@de, "LES JARDINS DU LAC"@en, "LES JARDINS DU LAC"@es, "Les jardins du Lac"@fr, "LES JARDINS DU LAC"@it, "LES JARDINS DU LAC"@nl ; dc:identifier "299577" .