@prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2020-12-05T07:49:14.611Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; a :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :PointOfInterest, :ShowEvent, :TheaterEvent, schema:Event, schema:TheaterEvent ; rdfs:comment """Theatrical and musical show by the Ubürik company freely inspired by the book by Claude Ponti At the Vichy Cultural Centre"""@en, """Spectacle théâtral et musical par la compagnie Ubürik librement inspiré du livre de Claude Ponti Au Centre Culturel de Vichy"""@fr ; rdfs:label "J'ai traversé l'arbre sans fin"@fr ; dc:identifier "5643919" .