@prefix : . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . a :EntertainmentAndEvent, :PointOfInterest, schema:Event ; rdfs:comment "Mit seinem makellosen Stil und seiner Analyse der Schwachstellen unserer Gesellschaft hat Haroun die Codes des Humors aufgebrochen."@de, "With his impeccable style and his analysis of the flaws in our society, Haroun has broken the codes of humour."@en, "Con su estilo impecable y su análisis de los defectos de nuestra sociedad, Haroun ha roto los códigos del humor."@es, "Avec son style impeccable et son analyse des failles de notre société, Haroun a cassé les codes de l’humour."@fr, "With his impeccable style and his analysis of the flaws in our society, Haroun has broken the codes of humour."@it, "Met zijn onberispelijke stijl en zijn analyse van de gebreken in onze samenleving heeft Haroun de codes van de humor doorbroken."@nl ; rdfs:label "Haroun"@fr, "Haroun"@de, "Haroun"@en, "Haroun"@es, "Haroun"@it, "Haroun"@nl, "Haroun"@ru, "Haroun"@zh ; dc:identifier "5839513" .