@prefix owl: . @prefix data: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . owl:topObjectProperty data:7c217de9-ec31-3280-94fe-e6d9c60a5548 ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:8a9feb4b-2cbd-3d2c-b507-bd6c6776b23b ; :hasContact data:b2bb7bb0-198e-32be-9134-259e400ae817 ; :hasDescription data:7c217de9-ec31-3280-94fe-e6d9c60a5548 ; :hasTheme kb:Rafting ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:f85be711-f9ce-3d33-8327-1a653c844f61, data:b997bdbc-bca1-3b9a-81a4-9880fe0ed251, data:c69bbc23-727d-331a-9e59-f19602964084 ; :isLocatedAt data:b9d977be-6804-3e36-b03b-56a7db3b8bec ; :lastUpdate "2023-12-20"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-01-30T09:22:58.581Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; meta:fingerprint "832522705cd8fda97d93d735362e4a5a" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "392"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "13"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "b0d85b36a52db7272d47f5f51fe29c97" ; :isOwnedBy data:fe757593-4b76-345e-b443-3c342e0c29ee ; a :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :ActivityProvider, :Store, schema:LocalBusiness ; rdfs:comment "Independent guides. Kayal, raft and canoe courses on the following rivers the Durance, the Guil, the Ubaye, the Guisane, the Drac."@en, "Guide indépendant. Descentes kayak, raft et canoë en rivières : Durance, Guil, Ubaye, Guisane, Drac"@fr, "Guida indipendente. Discese in kayak, raft e canoa sulla Durance, il Guil, l'Ubaye, la Guisane e il Drac."@it, "Unabhängiger Führer. Kajak-, Raft- und Kanufahrten auf Flüssen: Durance, Guil, Ubaye, Guisane, Drac"@de, "Onafhankelijke gids. Kajakken, raften en kanoën op rivieren: Durance, Guil, Ubaye, Guisane, Drac"@nl, "Guía independiente. Kayak, rafting y piragüismo en ríos: Durance, Guil, Ubaye, Guisane, Drac"@es ; rdfs:label "Christophe Morand Rafting"@en, "Christophe Morand Rafting"@fr, "Christophe Morand Rafting"@it ; dc:identifier "4805853" .