. . . . . . . . . . . "2019-11-27"^^ . "2024-01-30T09:22:58.569Z"^^ . "2c658780858cfcc821f343cd93f9afc6" . "392"^^ . "13"^^ . "5f22247bca945d6f3da8b9656f480eb8" . . . . . . . "Manufacture and installation of steel structures. Gates, pergolas, stairs, joinery."@en . "Fabrication et pose d'ouvrages en acier. Portails, pergolas, escaliers, menuiseries."@fr . "Herstellung und Einbau von Stahlarbeiten. Tore, Pergolen, Treppen, Tischlerarbeiten."@de . "Fabricage en installatie van staalconstructies. Poorten, pergola's, trappen, schrijnwerk."@nl . "Fabricaci\u00F3n e instalaci\u00F3n de estructuras de acero. Puertas, p\u00E9rgolas, escaleras, carpinter\u00EDa."@es . "Produzione e installazione di strutture in acciaio. Cancelli, pergole, scale, falegnameria."@it . "Ferronnerie Peyronnet - Sarl Ypfm"@fr . "5075637" .