"2020-12-19T11:45:51.906Z"^^ . . . . . . . "Edith Berger has dedicated her art to celebrating the Tri\u00E8ves, its landscapes, its animals, its people. Her work is the memory and experience of a country through a very broad human history."@en . "Edith Berger a consacr\u00E9 son art \u00E0 c\u00E9l\u00E9brer le Tri\u00E8ves, ses paysages, ses animaux, ses habitants. Son \u0153uvre est la m\u00E9moire et le v\u00E9cu d'un pays au travers d'une tr\u00E8s large histoire humaine."@fr . "exposition \"Oeuvres in\u00E9dites de Edith Berger"@fr . "5614168" .