@prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2020-06-26T06:29:26.259Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; a :Concert, :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :Parade, :PointOfInterest, :ShowEvent, :SocialEvent, :TheaterEvent, schema:Event, schema:MusicEvent, schema:TheaterEvent, schema:SocialEvent ; rdfs:comment "Manifestation reportée en 2021, du 18 au 27 juin."@fr, """Event postponed to 2021, from June 18 to 27. A big event which refers to a prosperous period and to local know-how. Wonderful decoration and a festive and friendly spirit throughout the festival. On the programm, concerts, entertainment and parade through the streets of the city in a crazy atmosphere."""@en ; rdfs:label "Reporté - Fête des Mousselines"@fr ; dc:identifier "5494173" .