@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:21cd985d-9ba0-39ba-9326-c837ab8a66f1 ; owl:topObjectProperty data:841fab0c-2a14-3330-927e-259b32999692 ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:36ac2aa2-25d7-341e-b68a-2e78c6066065 ; :hasContact data:e5a6f2bb-0a35-3c6d-b57a-1c367a32c407 ; :hasDescription data:841fab0c-2a14-3330-927e-259b32999692 ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:941de0e0-4a0b-3ef7-a51a-da494a5efd88, data:ee0fdda6-abd5-3b6e-b683-4795793e08e0, data:482d3071-4080-32c8-8b24-b50b66d78440, data:342c4c3c-c207-350f-96bf-d8b3c7f407ba, data:7bd3db8b-2c76-3b63-90fc-fe89260e8a26 ; :isLocatedAt data:7b02ad48-004b-3c0d-9120-fcc706d50e09 ; :lastUpdate "2024-05-13"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-05-14T05:53:22.552Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:21cd985d-9ba0-39ba-9326-c837ab8a66f1 ; meta:fingerprint "d1f482053d896405211d0cff34486f4c" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "392"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "13"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "de0a4d0ce4813276591277acc2ac4400" ; :isOwnedBy data:ad1ff3c1-0d5c-3a42-9ff0-548a2fb9c6cf ; a :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :TastingProvider, schema:LocalBusiness ; rdfs:comment """Producteur de liqueurs et de bières BIO. Culture de plantes et transformation en infusions BIO. Produits 100 % naturels et authentiques."""@fr, """Produttore di liquori e birre biologiche. Coltivazione di piante e trasformazione in infusi biologici. Prodotti 100% naturali e autentici."""@it, """Productor de licores y cervezas ecológicos. Cultivo de plantas y transformación en infusiones ecológicas. Productos 100% naturales y auténticos."""@es, """Producer of organic liqueurs and beers. Cultivation of plants and processing into organic infusions. 100% natural and authentic products."""@en, """Producent van biologische likeuren en bieren. Teelt van planten en verwerking tot biologische infusies. 100% natuurlijke, authentieke producten."""@nl, """Produzent von BIO-Likören und BIO-Bier. Anbau von Pflanzen und Verarbeitung zu BIO-Tees. 100 % natürliche und authentische Produkte."""@de ; rdfs:label "La Vertueuse"@fr ; dc:identifier "4729868" .