. . . . . . . . . . . . "2024-05-22"^^ . "2024-05-23T05:55:07.158Z"^^ . . "9b438c9cb554da829960bf4d743ccab5" . "392"^^ . "13"^^ . "5ae448c08440ba0dea35f948eb6106e5" . . . . . . . . . . "In een 18e eeuws herenhuis worden collecties tentoongesteld: Schone Kunsten met de pre-impressionistische schilder Chintreuil, geschiedenis rond generaal Joubert, held van de revolutie, etnologie en een rariteitenkabinet. Tijdelijke tentoonstellingen."@nl . "In un palazzo privato del XVIII secolo sono esposte le collezioni: le Belle Arti con il pittore pre-impressionista Chintreuil, la storia con il generale Joubert, eroe della rivoluzione, l'etnologia e un gabinetto di curiosit\u00E0. Mostre temporanee."@it . "In einem Herrenhaus aus dem 18. Jahrhundert werden verschiedene Sammlungen ausgestellt: Sch\u00F6ne K\u00FCnste mit dem pr\u00E4-impressionistischen Maler Chintreuil, Geschichte um den Revolutionshelden General Joubert, Ethnologie und Kuriosit\u00E4tenkabinett. Tempor\u00E4re Ausstellungen."@de . "En una mansi\u00F3n privada del siglo XVIII, se exponen colecciones: de Bellas Artes con el pintor preimpresionista Chintreuil, de historia en torno al general Joubert, h\u00E9roe de la revoluci\u00F3n, de etnolog\u00EDa y un gabinete de curiosidades. Exposiciones temporales."@es . "Dans un h\u00F4tel particulier du XVIIIe si\u00E8cle sont expos\u00E9es des collections: Beaux Arts avec le peintre pr\u00E9- impressionniste Chintreuil, histoire autour du g\u00E9n\u00E9ral Joubert, h\u00E9ros de la r\u00E9volution, ethnologie et cabinet de curiosit\u00E9s. Expositions temporaires."@fr . "Founded in 1866 by a group of local notables, this museum is situated in a beautiful 17th century town house. It has a fine art collection with intimate light-filled landscapes by the early impressionist Antoine Chintreuil; a room dedicated to calligraphy and to the works of Jacques le Roux; another room for popular arts and traditions. Finally, there is an exhibition of curiosities from the animal and mineral worlds, objects brought back from faraway places, and exotic birds.The museum holds temporary exhibitions each season."@en . "Antoine Chintreuil Museum"@en . "Mus\u00E9e Antoine Chintreuil"@fr . "190358" .