. . . . . . . . . "2021-12-30"^^ . "2024-03-10T06:44:50.017Z"^^ . . "1e370b7b61547b2d409a3b46c52fe227" . "392"^^ . "13"^^ . "d5eda56a60d95b0584e63adfd3754093" . . "2024-12-31"^^ . "2024-01-01"^^ . . . . . . . "The food market is held in the hall and textiles outside."@en . "El mercado alimentario est\u00E1 en la parte central y el textil, al exterior."@es . "Le march\u00E9 alimentaire se tient sous la halle et le textile \u00E0 l'ext\u00E9rieur."@fr . "Der Lebensmittelmarkt findet in der Halle statt und der Textilmarkt im Freien."@de . "De levensmiddelenmarkt wordt in de hal gehouden en de textielmarkt buiten."@nl . "Il mercato alimentare si tiene nella hall e quello tessile all'esterno."@it . "Ottino's market"@en . "March\u00E9 Ottino"@fr . "730366" .