"2020-10-16T06:35:21.066Z"^^ . . . . . . . "L\u2019arbre fascine depuis des si\u00E8cles. Organisme vivant et monumental, fix\u00E9 au sol par ses racines, immobile, sans fuite possible, il traverse les saisons, immuable. Il fascine par son architecture, hauteur, circonf\u00E9rence de son tronc, masse de bois\u2026"@fr . "The tree has fascinated for centuries. A living and monumental organism, fixed to the ground by its roots, immobile, with no possible escape, it goes through the seasons, unchanging. It fascinates by its architecture, height, circumference of its trunk, mass of wood .."@en . "Exposition \"Arbre, des racines & des sens\""@fr . "5547844" .