@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:a4a9c1f5-acb6-38ae-8a8b-7db065f517d1 ; owl:topObjectProperty data:b4d886a8-607a-370b-bc96-eefc2ffda852 ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:36ac2aa2-25d7-341e-b68a-2e78c6066065 ; :hasContact data:a2b42fa1-b8cf-35fd-b9da-a69a303a64f8 ; :hasDescription data:b4d886a8-607a-370b-bc96-eefc2ffda852 ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:1c268520-6f99-3d61-8276-c565ca1e645e, data:8857a4d9-412d-32be-8224-f6ca852aa28f, data:881bec82-68c0-33d4-9611-f84e682e739f, data:d552be56-67ca-300c-88c8-7fbc381a89e5, data:f64ddc10-b810-3add-a10d-ca5dfe034da8 ; :isLocatedAt data:449782b1-1fbe-3b77-af4e-634c16ce0551 ; :lastUpdate "2024-03-14"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-03-15T06:46:01.108Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:a4a9c1f5-acb6-38ae-8a8b-7db065f517d1 ; :takesPlaceAt data:edbcffeb-b1f0-322b-a01e-84baa501c184 ; meta:fingerprint "38f2f1698d8854be58ba5abf569e034c" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "392"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "13"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "4610811f47fb28388814c87509eeef70" ; :isOwnedBy data:7afee40f-5321-31d6-aa81-1420d5d24a92 ; schema:endDate "2024-10-20"^^xsd:date ; schema:startDate "2024-05-05"^^xsd:date ; a :EntertainmentAndEvent, :PointOfInterest, schema:Event ; rdfs:comment "Au départ de Raucoules, train à vapeur ou autorail à destination de Tence, du Chambon/Lignon et de St-Agrève (le mercredi). Aller/retour à la journée."@fr, "Da Raucoules, treno a vapore o automotrice per Tence, Le Chambon/Lignon e St-Agrève (il mercoledì). Viaggi di andata e ritorno in giornata."@it, "Vanuit Raucoules, stoomtrein of trein naar Tence, Le Chambon/Lignon en St-Agrève (op woensdag). Rondreizen per dag."@nl, "Von Raucoules aus fahren Dampfzüge oder Triebwagen nach Tence, Le Chambon/Lignon und St-Agrève (mittwochs). Hin- und Rückfahrt pro Tag."@de, "From Raucoules, steam train or railcar to Tence, Le Chambon/Lignon and St-Agrève (Wednesdays). Round trips by the day."@en, "Desde Raucoules, tren de vapor o automotor hasta Tence, Le Chambon/Lignon y St-Agrève (los miércoles). Viajes de ida y vuelta por días."@es ; rdfs:label "Train touristique"@fr ; dc:identifier "6839855" .