. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2024-02-27"^^ . "2024-02-28T06:43:03.706Z"^^ . "03610d6b785be6aaacd0312a9f8fbcec" . "392"^^ . "13"^^ . "1124407db9ceea4f5d5c4ad72e19b703" . . . . . . . "Guillaume is a young and dynamic mountain guide. Feel free to ask him to lead you to the highest sommets. Hiking, ski touring, climbing, frozen waterfalls... he will guide you through the mountains."@en . "Guide de Haute Montagne dipl\u00F4m\u00E9 d'\u00E9tat. et encadrement canyoning."@fr . "Staatlich gepr\u00FCfter Hochgebirgsf\u00FChrer. und Canyoningbetreuung."@de . "Gu\u00EDa de monta\u00F1a titulado por el Estado. y supervisi\u00F3n de barranquismo."@es . "Door de staat gecertificeerde berggids. en canyoning begeleiding."@nl . "Guida alpina certificata dallo Stato e supervisione del canyoning."@it . "Guillaume Meynet"@de . "Guillaume Meynet"@en . "Guillaume Meynet"@es . "Guillaume Meynet"@it . "Guillaume Meynet"@nl . "Guillaume MEYNET - Guide de Haute Montagne - canyoning"@fr . "473416" .