@prefix owl: . @prefix data: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . owl:topObjectProperty data:03f3032b-dfd2-360e-8faa-1e1c1eb53fac ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:8a9feb4b-2cbd-3d2c-b507-bd6c6776b23b ; :hasContact data:460e14c3-16bd-3cb9-8888-76942f95b372 ; :hasDescription data:03f3032b-dfd2-360e-8faa-1e1c1eb53fac ; :hasTheme kb:Fishing, kb:SeaFishing ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:a0643008-bfab-3967-b49a-70187a6cce83, data:da85fadb-eb18-37bf-9844-eaaa3606bb77 ; :isLocatedAt data:e09e6b7d-9e7f-324b-a584-206fc5b3229a ; :lastUpdate "2023-09-12"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-01-04T06:43:13.091Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; meta:fingerprint "276013ed6c2d788a5cc4dd51e8f6b818" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "392"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "13"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "ff1884c426f7df6a07122fb71c2b60c7" ; :isOwnedBy data:81f187d5-033c-3d17-af23-1620e05f7e1a ; a :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :ActivityProvider, :Store, schema:LocalBusiness ; rdfs:comment """Lavandou Sport Fishing Vincent PALUN Instructor/sea fishing guide For beginners and for more experienced anglers wanting to improve their technique. Trolling, casting, longline fishing, jigging, etc. All levels. From 7 years old."""@en, """Lavandou Sport Fishing Vincent PALUN Moniteur/ guide de pêche en mer Initiation et perfectionnement aux différentes techniques de pêche en mer. Pêche à la traîne, au lancer, à soutenir palangrotte, jigging... Tous niveaux A partir de 7 ans."""@fr, """Lavandou Sport Fishing Vincent PALUN Istruttore / guida di pesca in mare Avviamento e perfezionamento delle diverse tecniche di pesca in mare. Pesca a traina, al lancio, con il palamito, a jigging... Tutti i livelli A partire da 7 anni."""@it, """Lavandou Sportvisserij Vincent PALUN Instructeur/ zeevisgids Invoering en verbetering van de verschillende zeevistechnieken. Trolling, casting, longline vissen, jigging... Alle niveaus Vanaf 7 jaar."""@nl, """Lavandou Sport Fishing Vincent PALUN Auf Hochseefischen spezialisierter Coach und Guide Einsteiger- und Fortgeschrittenenkurse über die verschiedenen Techniken der Hochseefischerei. Schleppfischen, Wurf- und Handangeln, Jigging... Alle Niveaus Ab 7 Jahren."""@de, """Pesca deportiva en Lavandou Vincent PALUN Instructor/guía de pesca marítima Iniciación y perfeccionamiento de las diferentes técnicas de pesca marítima. Pesca al curricán, al lanzado, al palangre, al jigging... Todos los niveles A partir de los 7 años."""@es ; rdfs:label "Lavandou Sport Fishing"@fr, "Lavandou Sport Fishing"@de, "Lavandou Sport Fishing"@en, "Lavandou Sport Fishing"@it ; dc:identifier "4627372" .