"2021-02-03T06:07:50.225Z"^^ . . . . . . "While Arthur thinks he is having a quiet evening on his way home from work, his wife Beatrice tells him that she has two pieces of news: a good and a bad one. The good news is that she has organised a surprise birthday party for him. As for the bad news... Arthur is stunned. Between the family arriving, an unwelcome guest a little too intrusive, the comings and goings of the maid, and this closed trunk in the middle of the living room, the evening could turn into a nightmare!\n\nBy THE AUBORI AMATEUR THEATRE"@en . "Alors qu\u2019Arthur pense passer une soir\u00E9e tranquille en rentrant du travail, sa femme B\u00E9atrice lui annonce qu\u2019elle a deux nouvelles : une bonne et une mauvaise. La bonne c\u2019est qu\u2019elle lui a organis\u00E9 un anniversaire surprise. Quant \u00E0 la mauvaise\u2026 Arthur tombe des nues. Entre la famille qui d\u00E9barque, un invit\u00E9 malvenu un peu trop intrusif, les va-et-vient de la bonne \u00E0 tout faire, et cette malle ferm\u00E9e au beau milieu du salon, la soir\u00E9e pourrait bien virer au cauchemar !\n\nPar Le TH\u00C9\u00C2TRE AMATEUR DES AUBORIS"@fr . "TH\u00C9\u00C2TRE - ALLEZ ON DANSE"@fr . "845160890" .