@prefix owl: . @prefix data: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . owl:topObjectProperty data:725eb474-9291-3cda-a5fd-0f57ad471726 ; :hasAudience kb:ForAll, kb:Groups ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:39f8abf8-1828-3176-97f2-cfb47d18656a ; :hasClientTarget kb:ForAll, kb:Groups ; :hasContact data:df050faa-e231-3f0d-9337-7698e4ff634f ; :hasDescription data:725eb474-9291-3cda-a5fd-0f57ad471726 ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:f9915587-89a6-310f-969f-5032239ba92e, data:2ab81391-5b5d-3e4f-84f0-7808044fd5af, data:4faeaaa9-abad-3ab6-a1a2-1512323dd36c, data:ff49d2c4-cf27-3eeb-afca-230b95cc6cf9, data:fafcc30b-fd20-3380-a395-a95bf753b244 ; :isLocatedAt data:b1631ad0-9366-3d9e-9bee-8d4333f5e383 ; :lastUpdate "2024-03-28"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-03-29T05:03:53.427Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :reducedMobilityAccess false ; meta:fingerprint "181a798d377e0d167c936ef838be3bd1" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "255"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "10"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "868e948973480d58c785ceedfbfa539e" ; a :CulturalSite, :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :ReligiousSite ; rdfs:comment "CHURCH - Tertiary ogival style church with Romanesque tower. Beautiful 15th century flamboyant gothic portal (I.S.M.H). Superb woodwork (I.S.M.H.) from the former convent. Castral chapel which became a sacristy... Pietà and paintings (I.S.M.H.) -"@en, "EGLISE - Eglise de style ogival tertiaire avec tour romane. Beau portail gothique flamboyant XVe (I.S.M.H). Superbes boiseries (I.S.M.H.) provenant de l'ancien couvent. Chapelle castrale devenue sacristie... Pietà et tableaux (I.S.M.H.) -"@fr, "KERK - Kerk in ogivale tertiaire stijl met romaanse toren. Prachtig 15e-eeuws flamboyant gotisch portaal (I.S.M.H.). Schitterende houten lambrisering (I.S.M.H.) uit het voormalige klooster. Castrale kapel nu sacristie... Pietà en schilderijen (I.S.M.H.)"@nl, "CHIESA - Chiesa in stile terziario ogivale con torre romanica. Bellissimo portale gotico fiammeggiante del XV secolo (I.S.M.H.). Superba boiserie (I.S.M.H.) proveniente dall'ex convento. Cappella castrense ora sacrestia... Pietà e dipinti (I.S.M.H.)"@it, "EGLISCHE KIRCHE - Kirche im spitzbogigen Tertiärstil mit romanischem Turm. Schönes gotisches Flamboyantportal aus dem 15. Jahrhundert (I.S.M.H.). Wunderschöne Holztäfelung (I.S.M.H.), die aus dem ehemaligen Kloster stammt. Burgkapelle, die zur Sakristei wurde... Pietà und Gemälde (I.S.M.H.) - -"@de, "IGLESIA - Iglesia de estilo ojival terciario con torre románica. Hermosa portada gótica flamígera del siglo XV (I.S.M.H.). Magnífico artesonado de madera (I.S.M.H.) procedente del antiguo convento. Capilla castral hoy sacristía... Piedad y pinturas (I.S.M.H.)"@es ; rdfs:label "EGLISE SAINT REMY DE ORMES ET VILLE"@fr ; dc:identifier "759000025" .