. . . . . . . . . . . . . "2025-02-22"^^ . "2025-02-23T06:04:27.696Z"^^ . . "false"^^ . "b948bb403f98180248a16c5be2ee37da" . "347"^^ . "10"^^ . "ed6856fdf6a97acdbd9c8dddc003d033" . . . . . . . . "Biscuit and confectionery shop with baking on the spot and free tasting: rocks of the lake, candies from the tops, fine macaroons, broken candies, nougats, caramels, gingerbread, chamois droppings..."@en . "Biscuiterie et confiserie avec cuisson sur place et d\u00E9gustation gratuite : rochers du lac, bonbons des hauts, macarons fins, bonbons cass\u00E9s, nougats, caramels, pain d'\u00E9pices, crottes de chamois..."@fr . "Keks- und S\u00FC\u00DFwarenladen mit Backen vor Ort und kostenloser Verkostung: Seefelsen, Bonbons des hauts, feine Makronen, zerbrochene Bonbons, Nougat, Karamell, Lebkuchen, G\u00E4msenkroketten..."@de . "Koekjes en gebak met koken ter plaatse en gratis proeven: lake rocks, highland sweets, fijne bitterkoekjes, gebroken snoepjes, nougats, karamels, peperkoek, gems crottes..."@nl . "Galletas y reposter\u00EDa con cocci\u00F3n in situ y degustaci\u00F3n gratuita: rocas del lago, dulces de las tierras altas, macarrones finos, dulces rotos, turrones, caramelos, pan de especias, crotones de gamuza..."@es . "Biscotti e dolciumi con cottura sul posto e degustazione gratuita: rocce di lago, dolci di montagna, amaretti pregiati, dolci spezzati, torroni, caramelle, pan di zenzero, crostini di camoscio..."@it . "BISCUITERIE DES LACS"@fr . "777001914" .