@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:67b6b6b8-41af-3df4-95d6-b7b56cf20851 ; owl:topObjectProperty data:eb506660-7b1d-3bb9-8d81-d9a74b469052 ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:39f8abf8-1828-3176-97f2-cfb47d18656a ; :hasContact data:ce077345-0efc-3673-af8b-f90c15e814a8 ; :hasDescription data:eb506660-7b1d-3bb9-8d81-d9a74b469052 ; :hasMainRepresentation data:079fc57a-dd42-3a6b-9197-dd6f37600d37 ; :hasRepresentation data:079fc57a-dd42-3a6b-9197-dd6f37600d37 ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:a2853ed2-1396-3d3e-b9f1-5fcb32c097bc, data:6cea9ba0-9ec9-3419-bcd0-51ea21ec6805, data:de8cb5e3-9485-3530-9321-000fbc99d23a, data:1dcddd8a-5448-3247-88b6-e2cd759b8ebf, data:a0220cf3-8e9c-32cf-a223-2b368ab2b0df ; :isLocatedAt data:fdd17f6f-a923-38c6-afdf-cddf60e4aaba ; :lastUpdate "2024-02-13"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-04-14T04:03:18.487Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:67b6b6b8-41af-3df4-95d6-b7b56cf20851 ; meta:fingerprint "ff5dbc0858a28076c4c66ab22059decb" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "190"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "10"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "28e124a9a08998a5750a6b74e1d22b55" ; a :PointOfInterest, :Product, :Practice, :Traineeship, schema:Product ; rdfs:comment """Avec Justine Antoine à La Friche, écosystème artistique. On sort les tufting guns et vous créez votre premier tapis (40x40cm). A partir de 15ans. Matériel fourni."""@fr, """Met Justine Antoine bij La Friche, artistiek ecosysteem. Haal je tuftpistool tevoorschijn en maak je eerste tapijt (40x40cm). Vanaf 15 jaar. Meegeleverde materialen."""@nl, """Mit Justine Antoine in La Friche, künstlerisches Ökosystem. Wir packen die Tufting Guns aus und Sie gestalten Ihren ersten Teppich (40x40cm). Ab einem Alter von 15 Jahren. Material wird bereitgestellt."""@de, """Con Justine Antoine a La Friche, ecosistema artistico. Tirate fuori le pistole da tufting e create il vostro primo tappeto (40x40cm). Dai 15 anni in su. Materiali forniti."""@it, """Con Justine Antoine en La Friche, ecosistema artístico. Saca tus pistolas de tufting y crea tu primera alfombra (40x40cm). A partir de 15 años. Materiales suministrados."""@es, """With Justine Antoine at La Friche, artistic ecosystem. Get out your tufting guns and create your first carpet (40x40cm). For ages 15 and up. Materials supplied."""@en ; rdfs:label "ATELIER TUFTING"@fr ; dc:identifier "940010683" .