. . . . . . "From the beginning of the 20th century, a large part of modern sculpture broke with tradition by choosing the path of abstraction. Paradoxically, the aim was to analyse the world in a more objective and universal way: rather than modelling the surface of things, some artists, such as the Cubists, wanted to reveal their essential organisation. They dissected their objects of study into lines, volumes and planes.\nIn their wake, sculptors of various avant-gardes called their works \"constructions\" or \"structures\", opting for a radical abstraction, where the right line and the right angle prevail."@en . "D\u00E8s le d\u00E9but du XXe si\u00E8cle, une grande partie de la sculpture moderne s\u2019inscrit en rupture avec la tradition, en choisissant la voie de l\u2019abstraction. Il s\u2019agit paradoxalement d\u2019analyser le monde de fa\u00E7on plus objective et universelle : plut\u00F4t que de modeler la surface des choses, certains artistes comme les cubistes veulent en r\u00E9v\u00E9ler l\u2019organisation essentielle. Ils diss\u00E8quent leurs objets d\u2019\u00E9tude en lignes, volumes et plans.\nDans leur sillage, des sculpteurs de diverses avant-gardes baptisent leurs \u0153uvres \u00AB constructions \u00BB ou \u00AB structures \u00BB, optant pour une abstraction radicale, o\u00F9 pr\u00E9valent la ligne et l\u2019angle droits."@fr . "EXPOSITION DES MONDES CONSTRUITS - UN CHOIX DE SCULPTURES DU CENTRE POMPIDOU"@fr . "838167785" .