@prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2020-11-03T10:08:18.183Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; a :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :PointOfInterest, :ShowEvent, schema:Event ; rdfs:comment """Il est venu dans l’inconnu, il repartira inoubliable. Aujourd’hui, Niska est dans la tête de millions de personnes grâce à un rap qui, en 2019, ne laisse plus personne indifférent. En trois albums à peine, il a atteint des sommets que peu d’artistes, tous genres confondus, approchent au cours de leur carrière. Sa gestuelle communicative, ses gimmicks ultra-identifiés et son flow reconnaissable parmi mille sont devenus des marques de fabrique que chacun s’approprie. Niska est le symbole d’une France multiple et fière, leader d’une culture qui est en passe de se faire accepter à grande échelle."""@fr, """He came into the unknown, he'll leave unforgettable. Today, Niska is in the heads of millions of people thanks to a rap that, in 2019, leaves no one indifferent. In barely three albums, he has reached heights that few artists of any genre approach in their career. His communicative gestures, his ultra-identified gimmicks and his flow recognizable among a thousand have become trademarks that everyone can appropriate. Niska is the symbol of a multiple and proud France, leader of a culture that is on the way to being accepted on a large scale."""@en ; rdfs:label "NISKA, LE SAL TOUR AU GALAXIE MÉGA HALL"@fr ; dc:identifier "1368002401" .